Friday, February 24, 2012

Preparing for Baby Part 2

As mentioned at the end of the last blog entry, we have really been blessed by the generosity of our friends and family in preparing for the arrival of our little boy.  Two of our church orchestra friends, Jaime Lacey and Megan Taylor, had a baby shower for us.  Cora went with me and was such a good helper in opening all the gifts for Micah!  I thought she may be jealous of all the stuff for her baby brother, but she would usually say, "Ooohhh, how cute!" or "It's for Micah!"  I think she's going to be a great big sister.  We had a wonderful time visiting with friends and eating some good food.  Megan is very talented when it comes to crafty stuff, and one of the neatest things that she did was had everyone write a message for Micah on a fabric square.  I was also able to take squares with me for our family to write messages.  She's going to use the squares to make a quilt for Micah.  I thought that was such a neat idea and I know it will be something that he always cherishes! 

Yummy food!

Adorable cupcakes - Cora was obsessed!

She wouldn't rest until she ate a cupcake

Think she enjoyed it?!?

We got together with all of our local family to celebrate Micah's near arrival!  It was great to get everyone together - guys and gals alike.  Again, we enjoyed some delicious food.  Jeremy's mom also did a great job making a diaper cake and a diaper wreath for us!

Ring around the rosies

Hayden was testing out Micah's monkey rocker  :)

Jeremy and I have been teaching in the youth department at church this year.  I am an assistant teacher for the 8th grade girls.  Every so often we schedule a time to eat lunch together after church.  Two weeks ago, we were supposed to have pizza at church.  Little did I know that the girls in our class had asked the other teachers, Lana Leonard and Hope Poe, if they could have a surprise baby shower for me!  I went with Lana to pick up the pizza, and when we got back, they had hung up a banner which they all signed and had balloons and blue velvet cupcakes made by Hope.  We got more wonderful gifts, and it was so sweet of them to think to do that for us.  Unfortunately, I did not have my camera with me, and I had even forgotten my ipod that morning, so I don't have any pictures!

We are so blessed to have so many people in our lives who are just as excited as we are for Micah to arrive!  We cannot wait to meet him very soon.  :)

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