For Cora's first 4th of July, we went home for the long weekend. We had a fun time celebrating with both families and some friends at the Waddell's. They bought Cora a tree swing that they had hanging in the front yard. Here are some pictures from that weekend.
Right before we left for Tennessee, Cora also said her first word - "kitty." For some reason, she likes to whisper it. It's so cute!! I think that was her chosen word because she and our cat, Lucas, have a special relationship. Lucas is SO patient with her and will let her play with his tail and grab him. Every now and then he'll get up and move, but no more than 6 inches away. Cora quickly catches up with him these days. :)
Last weekend, we were busy celebrating with friends. We had a surprise going away party for our good friends, the Willmarth's. Unfortunately for us, but good for them, they are leaving us and moving to Texas. We are REALLY going to miss them. Then, on Sunday, we hung out with the Willmarth's again and celebrated our friend, Amy's 28th birthday!
Cora still isn't crawling, but she is getting around using the army crawl pretty effectively. She also pulled up on her own for the first time last Wednesday. Here's a video of her doing it. I think this was her third time.
Cora also discovered the door stop last week. She kept playing with it until she managed to pull it off the wall! It was really cute.
Finally, Cora celebrated her 10-month birthday on Thursday. She weighed in at 18.4 pounds. I tried to do our usual picture, but it is getting more and more difficult. Almost as soon as I sat her down, she lunged forward and started coming toward me. So, I sat her back up, and she saw the sign and grabbed it and started playing with it. I did still manage to get some cute pictures. We had 3 total photo shoots that day.
Love your new background! So fresh! :)