Friday, March 11, 2011

Cora is singing!

Well, probably the most exciting, fun thing that Cora has learned since my last post is that she is singing, which of course thrills me!  :)  For a while now, she's enjoyed singing only the "head" part of "head, shoulders, knees, and toes", with her hand on her head appropriately.  She surprised me the other day by singing along with her Elmo truck toy.  She attempted to sing the whole Elmo song with a very robust "Elmo's world" at the end.  She's been doing it more and more, singing Elmo's song at random.  She also has attempted parts of the ABC song on a couple of occasions as well.  Hopefully I'll be able to catch it on video soon, because it - is - adorable.

Cora went to her first basketball game a couple of weekends ago - we went up to Knoxville with my parents and my sister and saw the UT men play on Saturday and watched the Lady Vols on Sunday.  We were a little concerned about how Cora was going to do, but she was great!  Particularly Saturday night for the men's game, Cora had a blast.  During the warm-ups, she got really excited watching all the balls on the floor.  She would also start clapping when everyone else did, and loved to watch all of the people around us.  There was one guy in particular who was sitting behind us who she seemed to like.  He played peekaboo with her, so she instantly loved him.  :)  She did really well sitting in our laps during the game, but I thought she might get restless, so I went down to the concourse with her to let her walk for a bit.  She did better in the stands...  That child immediately saw the stairs, which of course were everywhere, and all she wanted to do was climb the stairs.  So, concourse time didn't last very long.  We left the game a little bit early to try and keep Cora's bedtime from being too late, and we saw Smokey the mascot on our way out!  Cora was so excited and started barking.  When we got closer, however, it was just like Santa...she likes him, but only from far away.  She was really tired the next day for the women's game, but she still did well.  She just didn't enjoy it as much as she did the men's game.  Overall, it was a successful weekend trip!

Cora has been doing more fun stuff than just singing.  One night she covered up her face with her hands and started saying "Roar-ra!  Roar-ra!" (that's "Cora! Cora!" in baby talk...) and then she uncovered her face and squealed.  She'll do it sometimes and peek with one or both eyes.  It is adorable.  Her vocabulary has really blossomed.  She's learning new words every day.  Some of her new words are "Bry" for her Uncle Bryan, elephant, water, fry (yes, for french fry), apple, cookie (and she smiles every time she says this), car, truck, choo-choo, baby, shoes, duck, goose, poopy, cow, Bible, bread....I'm sure there are more, but that's all I can think of for now.  She also knows a lot of her books now.  You can ask her to go get one of her favorite books and she'll go pick the right one out and bring it to you!

Some of Cora's learning has also created problems.  She LOVES my ipod touch.  She will get into my purse (zippers are no problem now) and get it out.  Sometimes we try to play with it together with some apps that have animal characters that are interactive.  Cora also loves to watch Sesame Street or Muppet videos on YouTube.  My personal favorite is the Muppets' rendition of Bohemian Rhapsody.  :)  So, it can be fun.  HOWEVER, she never wants to stop playing with the ipod, and she will absolutely pitch a royal fit when you take it away.  I keep my grocery list on it, and she started to pitch a fit at the store the other day.  I distracted her with some food item...but it really is a problem.  She can work it without any problem too.  She drags the thing over to unlock it and loves to touch it to scroll through things.  In fact, she somehow managed to get the screen shaking with little red x's next to all of the apps...apparently to delete them.  I don't even know how to do that!  I now have it password protected, which Cora has not yet cracked.  Here's hoping it will be a few years...

Last weekend, Cora also attended her first baby shower since she began walking.  I wasn't sure how she would do - she is kind of shy around strangers - but after the first 10-15 minutes, she was loving all of the attention!  She walked around and smiled at strangers and helped Jennifer open some of her gifts while she wasn't looking.  :)  She was all over the place!  We were both tired by the time we left.  Also, on a side note, Jeremy and I celebrated our 7th wedding anniversary that same weekend!

I also noticed yesterday that Cora's first canine tooth is coming in.  I have really enjoyed the little break from teething, as I'm sure she has too, and am not looking forward to this next round.  I'm hoping she'll handle it well since she's an old pro at it by now.

I guess that's all the highlights since the last blog post.  As usual, rather than posting pics on here, you are welcome to view our latest facebook album:

Cora is going to be 18 months old next week!  Hopefully I'll take the time to update the blog with her measurements.  I'm pretty sure she's recently seen a growth spurt - she can wear some of her 18 month pants now!

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