Saturday, February 25, 2012

Waiting for baby

This pregnancy has been completely different from my pregnancy with Cora.  I was much sicker in the first trimester this time around, and having Cora to keep up with has definitely made things more challenging!  I am so grateful that the end of the pregnancy has also been different.  With Cora, I was diagnosed with pre-eclampsia just shy of 38 weeks, was sent to the hospital, and was induced that night.  I am so thankful that it has not been an issue this time around.  However, this is the longest that I have ever been pregnant, and I've never had to wait and wonder when I might go into labor.  My doctor had told me that he would be willing to induce as early as 39 weeks.  I really wanted to try and let things happen on their own, but this last week has been very uncomfortable.  We went ahead and scheduled an induction for the morning of the 28th if Micah doesn't decide to come before then.  In the meantime, we've been enjoying our final days as a family of 3.  Here are some fun pics of play dates with cousin Hayden and our friends Miss Brooke and Jillian.

Our girls showing no fear

Feeling Micah move

Pigtails!  Wish she would wear them for longer than 5 minutes...

Cora and Jillian reading together :)

Sliding with Jillian

Baby Cora  :)

1 comment:

  1. Lilah was born three days after my induction was scheduled:-) Maybe the same will happen for you! Best wishes!
