Thursday, July 19, 2012


One week ago today was the day that Cora knocked her tooth out.  It still makes me cringe a bit when I think about that moment and those to follow.  I am so thankful that it doesn't seem to bother her.  She's still the same bundle of energy that she was a week ago!  There were a few rough days when she did not want to go to sleep for her nap or bedtime because she didn't have her pacifier.  It was terrible.  She kept getting out of bed and would just cry and sometimes scream because she didn't want Jeremy or me to leave the room.  It would be really late before she finally went to sleep, and then that would affect her mood the next day.  Nasty cycle.  After a little tough love, I am so thankful that the past 3 days have been wonderful.  She seems to have finally adjusted to the loss of her paci.

Cora is doing wonderful with potty training!  Most days we don't have any accidents.  She even slept in big girl panties last night and was dry this morning.  We're still working on pooping in the potty - she'll ask for a diaper when she needs to go.  Anyone have advice on that?  She is very proud of her big girl panties.  Her clothes fit so differently now!

We had a really interesting day on Tuesday.  We had walked that morning with Aunt Amye and Harrison, followed by a trip to Chick-fil-a and Target.  I had one more quick stop to make at Lowe's.  We went in, got what we needed, and I asked Cora Leigh if she needed to go to the potty.  She said she didn't.  We checked out, went to the car, started the car to get the a/c going, and got Micah in the car.  Then Cora decided she did need to go potty.  SO, we turn off the car, get Micah out, and went inside to find a bathroom.  We made it without any problem and went back out to the car.  I tried to get the a/c going, and I could not get the car to start.  It would not even try.  Panic sets in.  It is naptime for Cora, Micah will be due to eat soon and he's tired, it's really hot outside, and I cannot get my car to start.  I ask some passerby's for help and they agree to help me jump my car.  So glad my dad taught me to always keep jumper cables in my trunk.  I have used them numerous times to help others, and now I needed them to help me!  Unfortunately, my battery was so dead, it still wouldn't start.  Panic.  I called Jeremy.  He's in the middle of his afternoon patients.  Thankfully, he was able to get his schedule cleared for the rest of the day so he could help me.  In the meantime, Micah is tired, and we're walking aimlessly around Lowe's.  He starts SCREAMING.  This isn't too out of the ordinary, but it is always worse in a public place.  Then Cora decides she is going to get upset.  She starts crying very loudly.  I know all the people who saw me wondered why in the world I had my kids in Lowe's when they were both very obviously upset.  I wanted to tell everyone that I couldn't leave - my car wouldn't start.  Actually, I really just wanted to sit down and cry with them!  My dear sister-in-law was kind enough to get her not quite 2-month old back in the car and come pick up Cora and take her home with her.  Something about the adult to child ratio going from 1:2 to 1:1 exponentially decreases your stress load.  Micah falls asleep, so we keep walking around Lowe's.  When he wakes up, he is SO happy.  Hallelujah! He was also ready to eat, so we found some really comfy patio furniture (a nice loveseat) that had pillows, perfect for nursing!  I sat in the patio furniture section (with my nursing cover) and got Micah fed.  Jeremy finally arrives!!  The folks at Lowe's had told me that they would have some tools for Jeremy to use to take the battery out of the car.  They did.  Unfortunately, they were not the right tools.  Jeremy ended up buying an adjustable wrench, but it just wasn't cutting it.  After struggling for at least half an hour, he decided that he really needed the right tools.  Luckily, it was almost the end of my brother's work day, he works near Lowe's, and he has tools at his work!  He was nice enough to bring the proper tools over, and at that point it didn't take long at all to the battery changed out.  I am so thankful the battery is all it was.  I am also thankful that my husband has a job that is somewhat flexible where he could leave to come help me.  How lucky were we that Bryan and Amye were also willing and able to help us out!  In the end, I spent 3 hours at Lowe's.  That was about 2 hours and 45 minutes longer than I wanted to be there, but in the end, it all worked out!

One last blessing - Micah is sleeping through the night!  He had started sleeping through the night every so often, but now it's days in a row...I think it's been 4 days now.  One morning started at 5:45, but I'll still take it!  How nice to finally get some quality sleep at night!  I am blessed.

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